So if you don't already stalk Kaitlynn carters social media, you SO will after this! 
We were lucky enough to interview the gorgeous face behind The Western Wild blog - A life & style haven that covers topics from travel to love. 

Los Angeles based Kaitlynn is beautiful, smart and has an impeccable sense of style. She also happens to be dating Brody Jenner, which in our eyes makes them the cutest couple ever!

Can you tell us all a little about your blog and what inspired your to start it?
Western Wild originated as a place for me to be able to write creatively and keep my family up to speed on my life out in LA. It's morphed into a place for people to (hopefully) pick up some useful advice, be inspired, and feel a connection to me and other readers.

You cover a range of topics on your blog from lifestyle to love do you have a favourite topic to blog about? 

My favorite topic to write about is, by far, travel. If I weren't a blogger, I might be a travel agent! I LOVE recommending hotels and restaurants, and creating itineraries for people!

What is the biggest challenge you have faced with blogging? 
Most people who start a blog start small and build an audience over time. The quality of the content grows with time and with the formation of professional relationships within the fashion/blogging industry. Because I had a pretty large social media following from the start (I know, that's supposed to be an advantage!), everyone expects my blog to be on point all the time. The reality is, I'm just like anyone starting a brand new project on their own: constantly screwing up, not yet organized enough to create the content I aspire to... the list goes on. So there has been a lot of pressure that I wasn't anticipating.

Your personal style is fab, do you have fashion rules when putting a outfit together? 

Thank you! The only rule I really have is boobs or legs, but never both! 

We obviously stalk your blog are there any other blogs you follow often? 
My favorite blog is Peace Love Shea. She has THE sense of style I aspire to! I love my close friend's blogs, as well: Angel Food Style by Sophie Elkus, Racquel Natasha, Something Beachy by Kelsey White.

What advice would you give someone wanting to start a fashion blog? 
Make it your own! There are so many blogs out there, the most important thing is to share what's truly you so it remains authentic and unique!

Is there a person that is a fashion inspiration to you? 
I admire Kate Bosworth's style a lot. 

Your absolutely gorgeous and in great shape could you tell us a little about your exercise & diet?

To be honest, in my case it's less that I'm in great shape and more that I'm naturally small-framed. I stay generally active by hiking with my dogs and the occasional Soul Cycle class, but I don't have a strict exercise routine. I am more careful about what I eat, but only in terms of it being organic. I have a fast metabolism so I don't really restrict myself besides that and no red meat.

 What would be a perfect day in the life of Kaitlynn Carter? 
Well, my dogs might let me sleep in 'til 8:30. Then, I would get up and make some eggs with turkey bacon for breakfast. Do my morning Headspace (the iPhone app) meditation. Watch the morning news still in my PJs with my boyfriend and catch up on emails. Hop in the old pickup truck with BF. Pick up some sandwiches and bring all three dog's over to his mom's house to play in the pool and sunbathe all day. Get home in time to watch the sunset from the top of our property. Order takeout sushi. Pick up late-night chocolate fro-yo. Watch 5 minutes of a movie in bed before passing out!

Quick Fire questions - 

 - Top 3 instagram pages to follow?  - @westernwild, @margoandme, @tuulavintage
- Top 3 places to shop: Foray Collective, Intermix, Planet Blue 
 - Tea or Coffee: Tea 
-  Heels or flats: Heels 
 - Top 3 beauty products: Cetaphil Antibacterial Facial Bar, Origins A Perfect World SPF 25 Moisturizer, MAC Etcetera Pro Longwear Lip Pencil 
- My boyfriend would describe in n 3 words how? smart, patient, confident

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